The Power of the Written Word


The Newest Release From
Sugar Creek Publishing and Author Hetty Gray

In the Arms - Five Short Stories

Often, a short story has as much impact as a full-length novel.  Immerse yourself in the lives of children, and adults who find comfort I the guidance and love of family and friends.

It is hard to over-emphasize the central role of faith in everyday life.  Now, more than ever, America needs to turn back to God.  Society removed Him from both the classroom and playing field.  We, as a people, are in peril and at the risk of losing all we cherish when we ignore the tenets of the Judeo-Christian belief upon which this nation was founded.

May these stories rekindle your faith and may their central messages encourage you to reassess daily life.

If you enjoy reading these stories half as much as I did writing them, I will have achieved my goal.

Hetty Gray Author, Editor, Publisher, Weekly Columnist Credentials: B.A. Cum Laude Franklin College of Indiana Thesis M.A. (History) Butler University




Net Prophet - 20th Anniversary edition

When Bill Garrett played basketball for Branch McCracken at Indiana University in 1947, he broke the color barrier in The Big Ten as the first black player --- paving the way for the all the talented athletes who would follow him.

Bill Garrett remains a role model for the ages.  He led an exemplary life, but the small community that nurtured him also deserves a great deal of credit.

At a time when discrimination was rampant, a small town --- in spite of the constraints of the time --- supported Bill.  Teachers, coaches, and fans were all behind him. 

Honor, integrity, and hard work, bolstered by his strong faith in God, enabled him to achieve personal and professional success.

As a role model for youth, Bill Garrett remains unequaled.  Enjoy this book as it takes you back to the 1940s, a time when family, church and school anchored the lives of Hoosiers.

Hetty Gray Author, Editor, Publisher, Weekly Columnist Credentials: B.A. Cum Laude Franklin College of Indiana Thesis M.A. (History) Butler University




Experience Lewis & Clark’s “Corps of Discovery” with Sacagawea and Seaman, Captain Lewis’ Newfoundland dog.

History was a vibrant subject two generations ago, but I wonder if some of the luster has disappeared. Today, it is sad that many Americans view history as a dry recitation of dates and events with a smattering of notable names.

However, I offer a departure from traditional classroom settings to bring my audience an up-close, personal view of a seminal adventure in American history. When Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out from St. Louis, neither of them could have imagined the impact of their journey or the importance of their exploration.

Among their companions were a teenage Indian girl and a beloved dog. The girl's role is well known, yet the explorers relied on this brave animal. However, few people have heard how the strong Newfoundland dog played such a vital role along the route. Extensive research anchors this exceptional presentation.

Clad in authentic elk hide trimmed with horsehair and beads, I give voice to Sacagawea and her endearing story of Lewis, Clark and Seaman. You see, in truth, that Newfoundland saved the very lives of his master and the other humans in his company during the arduous, 4500-mile trek across uncharted territory.

Even though endless days and nights took a heavy toll on minds and bodies, laughter peppered leisure hours for The Corps of Discovery.

The strong bonds forged among the complement outlived the journey itself and spawns tales among Native Americans yet today.

Walk along with a remarkable Native American woman as she describes rich details of the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson.

While the party plied the rivers working its way west, members relied on Sacagawea's language skills and knowledge of the terrain nearing what we know as The Rocky Mountains.

While the party plied the rivers working its way west, members relied on Sacagawea's language skills and knowledge of the terrain nearing what we know as The Rocky Mountains. Bland descriptions fall short of vibrant, fact-filled presentation given in authentic Native American dress.

Why not take advantage of this unique presentation tailored for either for the student audience or adult groups? I portray Sacagawea, the Indian guide who led Lewis & Clark on their famous trek to the Pacific Ocean and my Newfoundland dog Bear comes along as Seaman, Meriwether's faithful companion.

Join us, won't you?

Hetty Gray Author, Editor, Publisher, Weekly Columnist Credentials: B.A. Cum Laude Franklin College of Indiana Thesis M.A. (History) Butler University

If the venue is a large room, this performance is best with a wireless microphone system to facilitate lively interaction between the presenters and their audience. A large group of students sitting on the floor is perfect without any additional sound equipment. Contact presenter for additional information.

Call or email to schedule.
Full one-hour program
317-835-7813 or 317-512-4236

Schools, church groups, and social clubs will find this program fascinating. History comes alive in this unique, original presentation. School scheduling until mid-December 2013 and April-May of 2014.

embraces a vision --- to awaken the personal connection between the reader and a book.
We seek to inspire children to read, and to rekindle in adults a full appreciation for the pleasures and rewards of reading. Quite simply, nothing substitutes a book in the hand.
Because we know the power of the written word, we work diligently to offer well-written, wholesome books at a fair price.