Hetty Gray (B.A., Franklin College of Indiana; M.A., Butler University, Indianapolis) lives in Central Indiana with her husband, Gerald, who farms and operates a seed business. Their blessings include four grown children and a dozen grandchildren. A seamstress and quilter since childhood, Hetty also enjoys woodworking and photography. A gifted public speaker, she eagerly schedules churches, synagogues, and service clubs.
Her weekly newspaper column, IN DEFENSE OF COMMON SENSE, highlights good old-fashioned values peppered with a healthy dose of Hoosier humor. The Grays enjoy a cabin in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where both summer and winter sports blend with the sylvan peace of the wilderness. Her solid American values and her profound love for writing blend to offer wholesome books to readers from grade school to retirement.
Upcoming works include In the Arms, a second volume of Christian stories to complement Love To the Third Power, a Miami mystery, and a haunting love story set in 1920s Bermuda.
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