Ever heard of James Monroe?

Ever heard of James Monroe? Well, he was president early in the 19th century and his words resonate today more than ever. In his 1823 annual message to Congress, he warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.
In terms of documentation, this statement is widely known as the focus of the U.S. government’s foreign policy regarding the Western Hemisphere. Known as The Monroe Doctrine, it has been invoked a number of times over the years since James Monroe set it forth before a joint session of Congress.
Why important now? Consider ongoing events and movements within South America. Hugo Chavez is doing much more than comparing former President George W. Bush to Satan. He is working closely with the Russians to strengthen Iran. How so? Recent reports show regular flights from Russia, via Damascus, to Caracas.
Rumor has it that the flights are simply a way of laundering weaponry and missiles and funneling them on return flights. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (poor pun — sorry) to figure out that smugglers are busy between Syria and Iran. Dare I shout complicity?
By his own words, Chavez is an avowed enemy of the U.S. Another troubling statistic is that mosques are popping up all over Venezuela — and lots of them. Historically, South America was colonized and populated by predominantly Catholic peoples from Western Europe.
How convenient for Hugo. Not only does he work with the Russians, but he also curries favor with Islamic fanatics who would love nothing more than to cross our southern border undetected or launch a short range at our cities with a missile launched from a boat in the Caribbean. Iran may not have developed an ICBM capable of crossing the Atlantic. However, if the Iranians are working toward such a goal, it would be easier to utilize a shorter-range weapon carefully positioned in waters just off shore.
With all the global conflicts, both active and looming, this news only adds to the doldrums of those of us who watch foreign policy with discerning eyes. Add to the current situation the shabby treatment given Israel’s leader in the last few weeks, things don’t look good, folks. They don’t.
The end game here is security, yet this president, as the last two, ignores criticism regarding border problems. Even John McCain is making noises. After the murder of an Arizona rancher and increasing tension in border communities, law enforcement is encouraging citizens to arm themselves.
It’s a sad thing when citizens must defend themselves when it is the primary purpose of their federal government to do just that. As the hordes continue to cross, confident of free medical care, food stamps, and bi-lingual schools for which they pay little or no taxes, the White House hosts expensive dinners and apologizes for America at every opportunity. And what of those unidentified persons who could come across with the same goal as the 19 who wrought such carnage on 9/11?
Had enough yet? A lot of us have….
I worry that blanket amnesty is only fueling the zeal of those who seek our freedom illegitimately. If you are concerned about border security and illegal immigrant, don’t let spring grass grow under your feet. Contact your Congressman and Senators. Hold their feet to the proverbial fire. It’s their job to support, protect and defend the Constitution, and that document mandates that the government protect its people. I say it’s about time they started, and the best places to begin are our borders, north and south. Think about it.

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