Says “who”? Say a lot of us!

The next time someone spouts off a remark that flies in the face of logic and reason, take a deep breath and walk away. It does no good at all to counter their position. These folks don’t listen. They rant away with no basis in fact, but with the enthusiasm of a cornered boxer.

Perhaps they are — cornered, that is. Today is Election Day and if you haven’t been to the polls yet, grab the car keys, jump on the scooter, pile on the bike or take the lawnmower if you will, but go.

This is a pivotal election. Oh, I know that pundits have over used the term, but in this case it applies — in spades. Trumps all else, that is.

I have had it with people who spend my grandchildren’s future as if it were Monopoly money. To a degree, it has been. It has been THEIR monopoly and it’s coming to a screeching halt. Today!

I had the privilege of a great mentor at Franklin College. A native of Mainland China, he fled with his parents when he was a child and eventually served at the Attorney General of Taiwan. He knew the value of freedom and taught Constitutional Law. To this day, nearly twenty years later I remain convinced that any student under his tutelage learned more with him with any other instructor.

Why? He’d seen the results of the rule of the few over the many. He knew what it meant to see his homeland decimated and taken over by those who sought only power and went to any ends to achieve it.

I once heard a political scientist explain the pitfalls of the large government we encounter today. Many of those within the inner circles of it consider any elected official “part time” help. Basically, the bureaucrats outlast any Congress and administration. Like germs, they outlive their adversaries.

I don’t know what it will take for us to return to the concept of a citizen legislature — men and women who leave their jobs to serve and then return to their private lives. We’ve lost that. The system envisioned by our founders is no more and we are not any better for the loss of it.
There are calls for term limits, but then when it comes down to “brass tacks”, nothing happens. It’s fine in the conceptual sense, but it gets no traction within the confines of the party leadership at the national level.

So, what’s new? Just when was the last time you noticed that movements within the upper echelons of government made sense? Do you spend more than you can afford? If you do, you file for bankruptcy, and that is — what I fear — may await the nation very soon.

This spending spree must stop. It cannot be attributed to one political party, either. In an effort to appease the other side and conciliate a mutual decision, the administration of the 43rd president bowed. Well, I use the “bowed” but, in truth, they just bent over — not a safe position.

Take the time to send a clear message to both parties. Democrats, your tax and spend days are over. Republicans, get with the program and quit trying to get along. You need to move along. Move along the track to restore the image of the United States in the world and stand for freedom first.

Encourage your congressional delegation to move the US back to a firm foundation. It’s very ironic that Richard Nixon not only opened the doors to China, but he also took us off the gold standard. That allowed the fed to print money at will — money not backed by gold. Bad decision.

Do we need to plan for the future? Unquestionably. However, we need to look to the past and correct the poor decisions and policies that fuel the mess in which we find ourselves mired today. I fume at the prospect of hard working Americans paying the mortgages for those who couldn’t manage their own money. It’s time for a major correction. Swing that pendulum, but make sure that once new officials are in place that they think about what will happen if they only pay lip service to what Americans demand. Hold their feet to the proverbial fire. Make them accountable.

Do it. Do it today. Vote. ‘Nuf said.

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