285 The “In” Crowd

By Hetty Gray

November 19, 2020

# 285 The “In” crowd.

I remember, do you? I remember when love of country was widespread. I remember when movies were wholesome and uplifting. I remember when the male lead in a play or a movie (when not a villain) was kind, protective of women and children and aspired to a strong work ethic. I remember when marriage was the accepted societal foundation from which to bring a child into the world. I remember when America saw her churches crowded on the Sabbath. I remember when Sundays were set aside for family gatherings and a break from the work week. Aside from health professionals and other workers whose jobs required Sunday hours, Sunday was a day of rest.

I remember when….

Times have changed. Advancements in medicine and science have come “light years” since the 1960s when I was a teenager. Job descriptions morphed into acronyms. If you said IT to someone when I was growing up, they would shake their heads. IT? What would that have meant? It is so easy to summon help today. Not too many years ago, the only to get help if you were on the road would have been to find a pay phone or a business. Poor Clark Kent. Superman would have a hard time finding an acceptable changing place in the age of cell phones. A few pay phones still exist, but they are mounted on poles and not enclosed. I guess Superman would fare better in England. I just love those bright red British phone booths.

It is great to use all the new gadgets that our grandchildren take for granted but ones that still inspire a sense of awe among senior citizens. A trip to the movies can involve a short walk from the kitchen to the family room and a click of a button. This virus situation could spell closures of countless movie theaters. Sad for a lot of people who work in those places.

Being up-to-date and savvy is challenging, but many of us have adapted to the new phones and video recorders with relative easy. We are “in” with that realm of technology.

But there is another “in” crowd. This category of people is one that boggles the mind. They have a world view so far away from that of traditional Americans so familiar to my generation.

Their mindset has been on full display over the past three and half years. Launched into a mad orbit of criticism once Donald Trump won the Republican nomination, their animosity exploded like a Saturn 5 rocket on the launchpad once Trump was elected and inaugurated. Nothing was beyond their scope, not their “cooked up” Russia collusion or any of their other attendant accusations. Devoid of solid ideas, their attack mechanisms are aimed at destroying the reputations of anyone opposed to them.

Allied with today’s Democratic Party we broadcast media and Silicon Valley. That should alarm anyone, considering the power of both groups. No longer are the main networks owned by individuals but are controlled by large corporations with no base in journalism. That shouldn’t be a surprise, considering how they conduct themselves. While some areas of our economy may thrive with big businessmen, media that should focus on the public good has become an outlet to showcase both sides of major issues. Clearly, that is not the case. All Americans that get their news from the major networks have been shortchanged and hoodwinked by media.

What terms describe the “in” crowd?

Intolerant – of conservatives, or God forbid, Republicans!

Incestuous – strong ties to mainstream media
Incompetent – not properly suited or well-qualified to the purpose
Inconsiderate – no regard for others
Indebted – to the elite and big tech (Money talks!)
Inept – unsuitable
Infamous – having an exceedingly bad reputation
Infuriating – inciting anger
Inhuman – lacking kindness or pity (support abortion, even to newborns)
Inofficous– contrary to moral duty
Insatiate – never satisfied
Insidious – treacherous
Insipid – unpalatable
Insolent – arrogant, presumptuous
Intemperate – not moderate
Intentional – deliberate (and how!)
Intolerable – unbearable
Inurbane –rude
Invective –abuse characterized by insult
Invidious – inciting ill will, offensive

They would like to be
Indomitable – incapable of being overcome, subdued or vanquished
Invulnerable – immune to attack
Inviolate – intact

If America pays attention, they will never achieve in those terms.

Instead, their epitaph should be:
Inmates – residents of a prison

My 2 cents’ worth? Indefensible!
In Memoriam – the Democratic Party

Think about it.

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