171 “Wishes”

December 2, 2013


Sometime, somewhere in your life you have wished for something. Today, more than ever, basic wishes encompass more than a gift list. Precarious is an adjective that falls short of reality for the world today.

The Middle East continues to smolder. “Negotiators” gave away the store last week with the approval of lifting sanctions and allowing uranium enrichment. For the life of me I cannot understand why, when sanctions were clearly having a big impact, our government agreed to lessen them.
Releasing all that money may have a more vile purpose than making the individual Iranian life better. ‘Ya think?

Philippine people struggle to find shelter, food, and clean water. Mother Nature can do more damage in a few moments than man can in a decade.

Homeless and mentally ill people huddle on sidewalks and beneath bridges from Canada to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico.

Generational drift separates our people and the entertainment industry does nothing to bring them closer.

Out of work Americans encounter incredible hurdles seeking employment. With more than 25 million Americans unemployed, it is hard to see how pundits can claim that things are “getting better every day.”

Tell that to the college graduate unable to find work and the once full-time employee now forced to 29 hours so employers will not have to provide health insurance.

Tell that to the untold numbers who have given up the job search and are absent from the monthly labor statistics. They are the shadow citizens.

Politicians “talk a good game,” but party allegiance on both sides derails what the judgment needed to address really serious societal ills.

Lock step mentality is no good. This isn’t a game. It’s our country’s future.

Consider this old saying. “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” Well, there is no ride. There is only a slow slide – and it goes at a faster and faster pace.

Jobs are scarce. Young and old experience widespread disappointment and disenchantment with the economy the world envied for more than 70 years. Reliance on government suborns incentive and dilutes our national spirit.

So, how far can we drop beyond this point? It is hard to say. Every civilization reaches the tipping point. Before we reach our tipping point and plummet into an economic abyss, perhaps we need a new wish list.

How about these wishes?

Consistent, strong support for Israel — America and Israel are linked by their history. They are the only two nations on the planet founded on faith in God.

True, citizen legislators who leave their jobs to go to statehouses or Washington, serve and then return home — in essence, the end of the lifetime career legislator

A small, responsive bureaucracy devoid of “perks” that amount to lifetime appointments with a high degree of arrogance and little accountability when found to be lacking

Open, free debate – televised for all to see on all the major networks when truly serious issues are on the table

No legislation forced through on holidays or late at night

The end of releasing bad news on a Friday to avoid wide press coverage

Reinstatement of the Senate’s filibuster rule protecting minority opinion

Public apology in the wake of failed programs or initiatives

Print and broadcast restraint when in possession of critical information that endangers American lives, military or civilian

End “political correctness” — words have meaning!

Free, unfettered speech pro or con using peaceful means

Rebirth of incentive and ambition — economic taught from kindergarten with money games. This can be done!

History classes centered on the U.S. Constitution to empower our children to recognize defend the freedoms that make America truly exceptional

Abandoning social engineering with regard to the Second Amendment. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people, and they don’t need guns to do it.

Unwavering support of Christians and Jews here and abroad — religious groups our government criticizes at every opportunity

Love of country

Love of family

Love of God, upon which all else rests.

Think about it.


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