165 “Adding and Subtracting”

By Hetty Gray


“Adding and Subtracting”

October 8, 2013

The federal government has income of over $200 billion monthly and the interest on the debt is $18 billion. By law, under our U.S. Constitution, we must pay the interest on the debt first. So, what on earth is this about? Control. Now that we glimpse the dangers in the Affordable Care Act that the increases will top $600+ billion over ten years, we see that the new system said to save every family $2500 is simply not true. No savings, folks — just more spending and millions still uninsured. How’s that for the “new math?”

This same type of face off over the debt ceiling has gone on for decades. In fact, a similar White House vs. Congress event happened after World War II. President Dwight Eisenhower wanted to launch the interstate highway system and Robert Byrd (D-W VA) tried to stop it. This back and forth over the debt ceiling is nothing unique to today’s politicians, but remember that President Obama (then Senator Obama) voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006 and today he demands it. He called it “unpatriotic.” Now, the shoe is on the other foot and his 180-degree turn says to raise that ceiling.

But, remember, this debt ceiling is painted red — bright red. Remember red, it equates danger and says “STOP!” Remember red, it means loss on a financial statement. Evidently, the majority leadership in the Senate has forgotten what a warning sign really looks like.

Ever try to correct a stubborn child who stands there with hands on hips like a sugar bowl refusing to budge? Well, we have him. He’s at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Either the Congress gives him everything he wants or he won’t play.

‘Nuf said. Think about it.

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