# 153 Too Late?

By Hetty Gray

# 153

July 12, 2013

“Too late?”

Turning one’s head to danger doesn’t avoid danger — it supports it. As we lay our heads down on soft pillows or cuddle in sleeping bags, tens of thousands of our service men and women billet in inhospitable conditions on hot sand or rocky terrain devoid of the human comforts we take for granted.

They pledge to honor freedom in the hope that those needy people they defend from harm and despotic rule will one day live in the peace that we have and that they — for the first time in many cases — will have a voice in their own destiny.

Power is a cruel master. Demanding, unrelenting and tempting, it warps man into control freaks and thoroughly decimates common sense.

It makes no sense whatsoever to kill one’s own people, yet despots must do so in order to wield uncontested power over their populations. It makes no sense to teach bias and lies, yet societies do it. In doing so they systematically obliterate objectivity and replace it with pure hatred. Hateful people use no judgment. They simply follow leaders with one agenda: control everyone and everything.

It is a sad commentary on the human condition, this push to force upon others a viewpoint and belief system rooted in anger and — quite sadly — espoused in the name of God.

As I recall, God’s wrath fell on those who

• ignored God’s commandments
• turned away from Him (as a nation)
• killed their own children

If any of these actions sound familiar, you should shudder. We are at a critical juncture in our history, and yet most go about their daily activities as if nothing is wrong at all. They are more informed about current entertainment and sports than what is happening to the country.

Many of you join me in prayers for our blessed America. Every day the shadow of secularism falls further across our lives and darkens our hopes for the future. It blurs the senses. Its pretty trimmings and empty promises twist otherwise easy decisions. Its claim of ease belies its deeper motive — destroying the core upon which this country is built — the American spirit.

I wonder if we have gone much too far down that slippery slope. Too few of us are truly informed citizens and voters. Too many of our countrymen want someone else to carry the load and find government dependency their “easy street.”

When only one of a two-horse team pulls, the wagon goes in a circle and the ruts grow deeper, eventually miring it down to the point that it cannot move.

Are we still able to pull out of the ruts? I worry that the voices of the few will fall on the deaf ears of the many.

Urge your political representatives to take a stand for core American values that date back to the founding. Don’t be a passive constituent. Be active.

I pray that we still have the chance to turn things around and chart a safe course. All each of us can do is to make sure one voice is heard — yours! Don’t sit back and do nothing. Each American has the power to change all this. Part of that power belongs to you.

Think about it.

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