“Lost Art”

# 104

“A Lost Art”

By Hetty Gray

February 8, 2012

Spending time among the younger set is instructive and thought provoking to say the least. For some time I have noticed the small percentage of grocery customers who buy ingredients to “cook from scratch”. At first, I chalked it up to the convenience of the items they purchased, but I must admit that my opinion has changed.

After speaking to several men in their 40s about home cooking, I found that very few significant others, girlfriends or wives cook at all. I was most surprised to learn that some of these women don’t even clean!

I realize that Home Economics has suffered a sudden death among most schools, but what on earth did these women eat as they grew up? The answer probably lies in the fact that so many of their mothers worked outside the home.

That said, I know of many women my age (nearing 70) that worked and put lovely meals on the table. To me, it boils down (poor pun!) to pride and the value placed on keeping a home.

From comments related to me, many of the women in the 35-45 ranges consider housework beneath them. Well, it probably is! Beneath them you might find dirty floors, stained carpets, dust, crumbs, and assorted laundry items that didn’t find their way to the washer and dryer.

I am shocked at the number of friends these men had who work all day and go home to do everything else! I worked for a long time and had three boys at home. Later, I went to college full time carrying a 21-credit load and nobody ever went without a good meal, clean clothes or a clean house. Did I get tired? You bet I did, but it was my choice to spread myself thin and I did it without a second thought. My family came first — then my education.

It all adds up to what you are willing to do and how much the closest people in your life mean to you. I’m not sure how you change this picture. I know a few of these gals personally and they have no interest in doing “menial” chores. Oh, it’s nice for a husband or boyfriend to help, but they cannot carry the load all alone.

We emphasize all sorts of opportunities for women, and legitimate as they are, we do little or nothing to instill a sense of responsibility and a real appreciation for child rearing. The future of the country depends on the children. If society at large continues to place no emphasis on the home, we are doomed.
Don’t get me wrong. Nobody has to become the newest version of Betty Crocker or equal any of the cooking show hosts, but shouldn’t they be able to put a simple meal on the table? Give me oxygen. It takes more time to download your email than to make a meatloaf and put it in the oven.

If you have young girls in your neighborhood, invite them in and give them cooking lessons. You will be doing them a big favor and giving them a good start on a stable home life later on down the line. Cooking: it’s not just for the professionals. Make it a family affair. I taught my boys to cook when they were very small and they can all put a decent meal on the table. They know how to clean, do yard work, do laundry and iron — although they probably don’t do a lot of THAT these days!

I’ve had more than one compliment on their talents. I can’t take full credit, but I tried to give them a head start. Lets hope that mothers of girls do the same. As for the 40s guys seeking a wife and homemaker, I pray that they will find that equal partner someday. Homemakers are important people and should not be considered any less. Think about it.

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